Full Circle POV

Nurturing a holistic, integral point of view for greater leader and team effectiveness and member well-being.

Executive and Leadership Development

Leaders often reach the pinnacles of their organizations based on the content-specific knowledge and skills related to their career paths. As leaders increase their responsiblities for achieving strategic goals, gaps in their leadership knowledge and skills become more apparent.

Commonly, the skills needs are related to interpersonal relationships and the need to provide meaningful, personalized leadership to the people on their teams. Recognizing the need to continue growing into undeveloped skill areas is a hallmark of the strongest leaders. Just as the successful athlete understands that coaching helps maintain and further develop her or his game; the leader recognizes the same need.

Personalized assessment seeks to identify the specific development needs and points toward a tailored coaching agenda. Coaching happens in person, by phone or both. The leader’s preferences and circumstances are considered in developing the exact coaching medium. Because of busy schedules, coaching is often best facilitated through 30-40 minute telephone conversations spread over time to assess the issue(s), develop development goals, and provide feedback and evaluation of change over time.

The typical coaching process includes

  • An initial meeting to discuss the issues and to determine the sense of fit between the client and me
  • Assessment using tools such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)®, Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0), StrengthsFinder 2.0, or others.
  • Interpretation of assessment results in general and specific to client-identified development issues
  • Creation of targeted goals and action plan for moving forward
  • On-going honest feedback and support.